We finally took a day to just go have fun– no errands, no house-hunting, no moving, no taking care of business! We picked a coastal town– Aldeburgh– and put it into our GPS, and just hit the road. The drive itself was really nice! We spent about an hour winding through small towns on country roads, and then we were there. The coast really sneaks up on you: it’s all country and cows and farms, and then suddenly, you’re looking at the sea! There is almost no sand, just dunes of rocks with a little greenery here and there. The thin layer of sand in the water just floats on top of more rocks below.
Luckily, Amelia knew just what to do with the pebbles!
We walked into town, and plenty of people were out, eating ice cream and sailing their little boats in this shallow pool.
Amelia got in on the action, too.
The town of Aldeburgh is really cute. I loved the colorful old houses…
And the boats were very charming, too.
We had such a fun day, and loved the opportunity to check out our surroundings and find this great little spot for family days. It’s nice to be doing a little less transitioning, and to feel more like we live here!
annie says
Looks like such a great, sunny day! That is my favorite kind of coast. How fun to be exploring your new home. So glad you found a place and hope that you can get all planted and start blooming. 🙂
Anonymous says
I would have so much fun collecting a few of those rocks! That little boats in the pond thing seems so…European, nice and simple fun. Our family has a friend in Maidstone, you anywhere near there?
Jesse Voll
Great Aunt Gretchen says
I love the picture with the boat and the green water! Lovely! So glad you had a day to relax. 🙂
Dennis Family says
Loved your pictures, especially Amelia and the pebbles. I will have to come and have a look at your rocks, and add them to my collections. So happy for you to have a coast so close by, it feels good not to be land locked right?
Grandma Seelye says
What a beautiful place to relax! Great pictures! Love the little sail boats.
greatdanasworkshop says
Wow! How awesome to be at a completely different ocean! So glad you got this day in! Love it!
k mishler says
It looks like the towne in the English show “Doc Martin”.. i LOVE that show, and LOVE that you’re living in Aldeburgh.. 🙂 As always, looking so forward to your updates!
christy says
Sounds like a good break from the hard work of transitioning to a new country!
Elie says
Beautiful day! That photo of the back of the white boat on the pebbled beach with the amazing blue colors in the background is print-worthy! Gorgeous!
Gretchen says
Love the pebbles in the toes and the scenery!! That last picture in particular took my breathe away!