I have been getting a lot of questions about where we’re at— are we moving? Staying? New job? No job? What’s next? So, here’s a quick update.Well, I only know the answer to one of the above questions. No job? We do have a job– and I am just ridiculously thankful, and that is what makes all of the rest of the uncertainty totally bearable for us. We have already been through the no job thing, and although it was a good catalytic event for personal development (and great fodder for my ebook,) I really don’t want to repeat that scenario!
Jeff has applied for preschool special educator positions in the DoDEA (Department of Defense Education Activity) system all over Europe. The process is kind of complicated and unpredictable, but we know that the jobs are first given to people already within the DoDEA system, and those placements will have all been made by June 1st. Then they will be looking at outside applicants. Jeff has literally emailed every principal in Europe! We know that, so far, there are two open positions here at Lakenheath where he is already working at a medical clinic. It seems that he would be the perfect guy for the job. And yet, England is a preferred placement location– most people who are just getting into the system have to enter through a position in Asia, the Middle East or some other “less popular” assignment.
And the process is complicated. There is no way to be sure that Jeff’s application, which has been sent to a central office somewhere in the Midwest, will be forwarded to the principal at Lakenheath. So tricky! So now, we just wait, and hope that Jeff gets a phone call and subsequent interviews. Our current contract expires mid-July. That’s in less than two months! People keep asking us what our summer plans are, and we literally have no idea!
But we do know that we will take just about any DoDEA job that is offered to us. I’d love to move away to another European country, but just having some basics like private school for Amelia, trips back to the US every 1-2 years and enough pay to live and save up some money on will be great.I also know that we currently have a job, and I am just thankful for that. I have started working locally doing bodywork, and I love that– it’s one way that I am preparing, in case nothing changes for us. At least there will be another source of income and a new way for me to make social inroads here. I have been so happy to get back to this kind of work, even if I will be packing up and leaving in July. It’s totally been worth it to me. I’ll admit that I’m holding back slightly when it comes to marketing and building my practice– I need to know whether I’ll be here for more than a few months before I pour too much into it. But when I do know, I’ll get that burst of energy I need to invest and grow my bodywork practice.
And that’s the thing… Even with all of the unknowns, you have to just keep living. I have moments when I feel like it’s driving me crazy, not knowing where I’ll be in two months. But do any of us know, really? I am here today, and Friends, my garden is just gorgeous. I love my house and the weather has been glorious. And there is so much potential in the air.
Also, I am trying hard to follow my own advice on dealing with uncertain-future anxiety.
What if we don’t get a new job? Well, we’ll probably sign our contract on a month-to-month basis and keep looking. But now is the hiring season– which could be between now and the end of July, I’ve heard. So it’s moment-to-moment. We stick to our routines– work, school, housework, dinner, evening walks… We are keeping it simple and hoping, and doing our best to prepare for whatever is next… Even if it’s just more of what we’ve already got.
Can I ask you a favor? Could you send some prayers and good wishes our way? We really want a DoDEA job– it seems like just the right thing for our family, from where we are standing now. Jeff has left no stone unturned in his pursuit of a good job, and as we wait, it will be encouraging for us to know that we have support, that people are rooting for us! Thank you.
Of course I will send you some good energy,you have inspired me so many times that it is the least I can do.
Wishing you what will be best!
Thank you Rois!
Praying God puts together the perfect combination for you.!!
Thank you, Laura!
I am sending as much good energy as I can muster! I imagine it flying on the jet stream straight to you in your lovely garden! Despite the uncertainty – this must also be a time of expectation and excitement. It’s so fun to imagine all the possibilities and wonder on all the new adventures that may be headed your way 🙂 xo
It’s true– adventure could be right around the corner. To be honest, just getting a better job and having some things stay the same for now would also be great. But I’m up for big change, if it comes. Thank you Marisa!
Rooting for your sweet family!!! While DoDEA Is not without its drawbacks, it is a wonderful opportunity. While reading your blog from time-to-time, I’ve often wondered if your husband had been picked up by DoDEA. If it doesn’t work out this time, then keep trying….it’s likely that it eventually will.
Thank you Dana! I think a DoDEA job will make up for the losses we have had from the severe contract cuts with our current employer. Also, I love the thought of so many possibilities at the many different schools all over the world. Thank you for rooting for us!
Hi! I found your blog through another blog, I was entering a contest to win something in a giveaway FOREVER ago and one of the requirements was liking everyone’s facebook pages and your post popped up on my newsfeed today so I came over to read your blog. The picture immediately looked like something in England so it caught my attention.
I visited England for the first time not too long ago to visit a family member working over there by Lakenheath so imagine my surprise when I saw it mentioned in your post! And Bury St. Edmunds! It was such a beautiful place!! I’ve been reading up on your adventures now, and I wish you and your family the best of luck in everything and I hope your husband gets the job :):)
Hi Chelsea– thanks so much for introducing yourself! And how fun that you were just in my neck of the woods– it really is beautiful, isn’t it? I’m glad you found us. And thanks for the well wishes!
Good positive thoughts and energy sent your way 🙂
Thank you!
Sending your family positive thoughts and prayers that your family will land where you are meant to be.
Thank you, Gabrielle!
I prayed for you this morning, Ariana! I’ll continue to pray for you guys that your needs would be far beyond met. May you find peace in the waiting. xoxo, Allison
Thank you, Allison!
Done! I am praying !! Miracles can happen!!!
Thank you, Trish!
Praying God’s direction for your family is obvious and that you find His provision perfect! 🙂
Thank you, Joy!
Of course! Best wishes and prayers with you. 🙂
Thank you, Kiernan!
Love you guys, hope you get the DoDea deal. (c:
Have been dipping into and enjoying your blog for a while; always inspiring. My husband and I are in a similar situation at the moment; waiting for a new job and a new chapter of life to begin. We know not where or when! My prayers are with you.