I love discovering things without books, maps or internet searches. My favorite thing is to just go where the wind blows, stop when something looks interesting.
We found a wonderful old priory.
We pulled over and visited some really sweet horses along the way… And yes, that nose felt as velvety as it looks.
We pulled over again and picked blackberries…
The thing that has pleased me the most is that there are little roadside stands all over the place, where people sell the excesses of their backyard gardens and chickens, and even things like homemade jams, chutneys and pickles. The prices are almost always dirt-cheap, the quality is the best, and I love eating from other peoples’ gardens. We actually bought almost everything this way last weekend! We only hit up the grocery store for chocolate, wine, sparkling water, and nuts. We have been enjoying bouquets of flowers, eggs, marmalade, and tons of produce this week, all picked up along country roads. At one stop, an older woman even went and picked anything I asked for from her plot right then and there! We also found a farm store that sells locally raised, grass-fed lamb and beef, as well as good cheese, which we stocked up on. I love shopping for food, and I have never had more fun doing it!
The stands can be carefully built, or just like this one– a rack with a crate and an ashtray to take your coins.
This one had duck eggs and pickled cabbage.
And these apples were free. I heeded the note that said they were good for cooking, and brought some home for apple crisp for dessert that night.
This was my favorite bouquet, which cost a pound! We also bought a LOT of fresh raspberries at this stand for the same price. And, that is indeed my crutch, being used as a flower holder.
Life is good here. We have been waiting all week for the weekend to come, so we can take another long drive!
Luke S'ford says
i love it. I want to visit right away!! (c:
Ariana says
Luke, do not delay! When is your next break?
Grandma Seelye says
Thanks so much for these beautiful pictures! I love the roadside stands! When we lived on Russel St.when your mom was little we often sold avocados that way. With a bowl for the money. How is your leg?!
Robin says
Oh, gorgeous! I wish we could run over and visit. I love the friendly roadside stands. Thanks!
Anonymous says
Hi Ariana,
I have been reading old and new posts on your blog. Love the recent pictures and the stories to go along with them.
My husband and I have been discussing for several years that we would love the adventure of living abroad with our son. Our son is eight years old.
I have been surfing the net reading blogs from other Expat families to get a feel for what people are saying about the joys and the challenges of living abroad.
It sounds like your husband and I are in a similar type of work. I am an Assistant Speech Pathologist. I work in the public school system. I have been a preschool teacher for little ones with disabilities.
Would you share with me in more detail how your husband has become employed abroad in his line of work?
Any information would be appreciate.
Ariana says
Hi Mary,
Thanks for introducing yourself! I would be happy to give you as much information as I can about the kind of work my husband does, and how we got here. Why don’t you just sent me an email, so I can give you a longer response to your questions. You can reach me at ariana629(at)gmail(dot)com. “Talk” to you soon!
Lisa Marie says
beautiful…i love to see how beauty continues to surround you!