This was the warm-up act: an older gentleman who had dressed his pet ferret up in a fur hat like those the guards were wearing. This little critter just kept changing positions as he napped in the sun.

His owner was very firm about admirers: “Don’t touch ‘im! ‘E bites!”

I know it’s a bit of an obvious statement, but I’ll say it anyway– the changing of the guard was just so ceremonious! I loved the order, the seriousness of the task, one that has taken place over and over again, but is addressed with so much tradition, pomp and solemnity. I didn’t get a good picture of it, but they have a guard dog! He was being led out on a leash in front of the first group of guards.

And I always love seeing police officers on horses!

A couple of stray soldiers walked across the street, at first in their individual strides, but they quickly coordinated their rhythms and swung their arms like we would expect.

What a fun event to witness! I do have to mention, that as things were winding down and the crowds were dispersing, some jaded American remarked to her companion, “Well, I would have thought they would have brought out the double buggy for this occasion.” Oh, please! This wasn’t enough for you? May we never lose our sense of wonder….
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