Hurray! It’s that sweet time of year again, when we get to put up decorations and bring in some extra greenery. We have had the extra pleasure this year of having decorations from all three countries we have lived in during the last year or so, to the point that we have more ornaments than we could fit on our tree.
Personally, I like decorating our tree each year mostly with items one might actually find on a tree– birds, fruit, nuts, pine cones, etc.

I love the more natural ornaments we found so easily in Germany– here the selection has been more on the country-style or glitzy side of things. I am still looking for some pine or cedar boughs to make garlands like I did last year.

Here, it is getting completely dark by 4 p.m., so there is plenty of time to enjoy our tree lights. It’s been fun to watch people stop and peer in as they walk past our house. This sort of thing is normally a little creepy, but we are happy to share our cheery little tree with the neighbors. I hope you are also enjoying the season!
Lovely tree!