
How to Make Rhubarb Wine at Home

Making Rhubarb Wine at Home

4.3 from 3 reviews

You will be so happily surprised by how easy it is to make a truly delicious Rhubarb Wine at home! This easily competes with our favorite rosé wines.



In terms of supplies, there are a few basic items you should have. You can often find these on craigslist, and definitely at a brewing supply store, or you can order them on amazon (the links below take you there).


1.  Chop the rhubarb stalk into thin slices, about 1/4 inch thick.IMG_80402. Put the chopped rhubarb into your (sterilized) fermentation bucket, and add the sugar and mix it together. Put the lid on your container and leave it for three days.IMG_80493. Pound the pulp up a bit with a clean wine bottle or potato masher, then stir in three liters (a generous 3 quarts) of boiled but cooled water. Strain the pulp through a clean mesh strainer of piece of muslin into another clean bucket, add the grape juice concentrate and make it up to 4.5 litres (a generous 4.5 quarts) with more water. Add the yeast nutrient and sprinkle the yeast on top.

Cover this up with the lid, and leave for a week.

4. Using a funnel or a siphon hose, pour into a sterilized demijohn and add an airlock, leaving any dregs behind.IMG_85865.  After about a month, “rack” the rhubarb wine by siphoning into another sterilized demijohn. Replace the airlock.

6.  You may choose to rack again in a few weeks, to further clarify your wine. The picture below is where we’re at, one month into fermentation. The flavor is developing nicely, but we’d like it to clear some more before we bottle it.IMG_85927.  When you’re happy with the clarity and there is no more fermentation happening (watch the airlocks for bubbles for a couple of minutes) then you are ready to siphon your rhubarb wine into sterilized bottles. It will be ready to enjoy right away, but waiting will make it better.
