It’s been a while since we have gotten out just to explore a new city besides our own. OK, that’s not true. Jeff and I went to Regensburg two weeks ago on a daytime date while Amelia was in school. But that doesn’t really count for two reasons: 1. We wasted most of our time there looking for a decent cup of coffee (and never finding one, despite ordering three each– yikes, I think we have a big problem) and had to rush to pick Amelia up from school. 2. My camera ran out of batteries after about six shots. So, yesterday was the day to really check it out. The drive is only 45 minutes!
Regensburg is a medieval city along the Danube, and the area we visited is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It was really cool to see all of the amazing architecture, ranging widely from the 12th century on up, until modern times. I love all of the details and statues, especially built into buildings, like this deer. I’ll just mostly show you pictures, with some commentary. If you find photo-heavy posts tedious, well… you might want to move along. This one is heavy indeed.

Inside the arches of the Dom. Of course we had to prove that we were really there…

What a fun trip. What a gorgeous town. I love your new coat :-).
Wow, I love your pictures. What kind of camera do you have? I love old buildings, flowers and cute shops, too.
Uncle Kirk says “hi”.
Aunt Getchen
Wonderful pictures! I love to see the things your shoot, the same things I would shoot, I think! Love your coat and Amelia’s coat too! Jeff, you look very dashing!
Awesome pictures and composition, Ariana! What a georgeous place to explore and indulge in the beauty… You all look happy!
Ah, I love European cities, big and small. And I love your hood!
A. Gretchen, I have an Olympus C5050 zoom digital camera. It is an older one, and was passed on to me by Jeff’s dad. It’s nothing fancy or expensive, but I am SO happy with how easy it is to take decent photos. I need to actually read the instructions manual at some point…
Love all your pics, particularly the ones with you guys in them! What a good looking family! Ariana, I love the shot of you with your hood up! You look gorgeous! I also love the shot with Amelia and Jeff!
Thanks Amanda! I always feel a little awkward about putting pictures of myself up, or too many of the family– but then I remember how much I love seeing friends and family on their blogs!